lördag 23 april 2016

Söndagen 24 april (Simning)

15:00-16:00 (lanes 1-4 deep side)

Use your target 750/1500m time (this is your goal time for 750/1500m). Calculate how fast you need to swim per 50m. This is your "target time", the time you need to hold on every 50 meter. Your goal is to be as exact as possible in achieving this target time. Make a note of how many 50s you were able to do at your target pace.

We are adjusting the rest for this week. 5 seconds less rest per 50m. See how many you can do.

IMPORTANT! - If you miss your target pace two times in a row - stop the set and go direct to Recovery. If you complete all the 50s at the target time then adjust your overall 1500m time to the next time.

Workout 1
400 swim
4 x 100 kick rest 10 sec
30 x 50 @ 1500m pace (start time = pace time + 15 sec)
If you miss your target time, rest a 50 and continue. Miss twice and you stop the set.
4 x 100 Swim/IM 10 sec
20 x 50 @ 1500m pace (start time = pace time + 10 sec)
If you miss your target time, rest a 50 and continue. Miss twice and you stop the set.
4 x 100 Recovery rest 10 sec

Workout 2
400 swim
4 x 100 kick
15 x 50 @ 750m pace (start time = pace time + 15 sec)
If you miss your target time, rest a 50 and continue. Miss twice and you stop the set.
4 x 100 Swim/IM rest 10 sec
10 x 50 @ 750m pace (start time = pace time + 10 sec)
If you miss your target time, rest a 50 and continue. Miss twice and you stop the set.
4 x 100 Recovery rest 10 sec

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