söndag 17 april 2016

Måndagen 18 april (Simning)

6:00-8:00 lanes 3-5 long course

Workout 1
300 Swim + 200 Pull + 100 Kick
6x50 swim start 1:00 (build each 50)
8x100 pull start 1:40 (descend 1-4, 5-8)
6x50 start :55 (1 fast/1 ez)
500 with Fins (100 RACE!/400 at 90% effort)
100 recovery swim (no fins)
10x50 start 1:10 (start at center of pool, swim to the wall, climb out, dive in, FAST! 25)
8x50 start 1:15 (15 sec Vertical Kick/25 FAST!/25 easy)
4x100 w/fins start 1:50 (50 w/Dolphin Dives to floor/50 regular Swim)
200 cool down

Workout 2
300 Swim + 200 Pull + 100 Kick
6x50 swim start 1:15 (build each 50)
6x100 pull start 2:10 (descend 1-3, 4-6)
6x50 start 1:15 (1 fast/1 ez)
400 with Fins (100 RACE!/300 at 90% effort)
100 recovery swim (no fins)
6x50 start 1:30 (start at center of pool, swim to the wall, climb out, dive in, FAST! 25)
6x50 start 1:40 (15 sec Vertical Kick/25 FAST!/25 easy)
3x100 w/fins start 2:15 (50 w/Dolphin Dives to floor/50 regular Swim)
200 cool down

Workout 3
300 Swim + 200 Pull + 100 Kick
6x50 swim w/:15 rest (build each 50)
6x100 pull w/:20 rest (descend 1-3, 4-6)
400 with Fins (100 RACE!/300 at 90% effort)
100 recovery swim (no fins)
6x50 w/:20 rest (15 sec Vertical Kick/25 FAST!/25 easy)
100 cool down

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