söndag 12 februari 2017

Måndagen 13 februari (Simning)


6:00-8:00 Lanes 4-5

500 Choice warm-up
8 x 75 15-20 sec rest (kick/drill/swim by 25)
8 x 50 20 sec rest with band only
4 x 300 swim 15-30 sec rest desc 1-4
4 x 300 pull 15-30 sec rest desc 1-4
300 out (50 back/50 swim)

500 Choice warm-up
8 x 75 15-20 sec rest (kick/drill/swim by 25)
8 x 50 20 sec rest with band only
3 x 200 swim 15-30 sec rest desc 1-3
3 x 200 pull 15-30 sec rest desc 1-3
300 out (50 back/50 swim)

500 Choice warm-up
4 x 75 15-20 sec rest (kick/drill/swim by 25)
4 x 50 20 sec rest with band only
3 x 200 swim 15-30 sec rest desc 1-3
3 x 200 pull 15-30 sec rest desc 1-3
300 out (50 back/50 swim)

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